Dragon Age Inquisition Hack

Dragon Age inventory Cheats

These cheat rules are around for Dragon Age 2 in the PC. This video game calls for the usage of a command line parameter and modifying of a game title file. Therefore, its recommended you initially make a backup of any files before you decide to edit all of them.

Procedures for Editing Game Data

Step 1. Add the command range parameter -enabledeveloperconsole on shortcut towards game. Once included your shortcut should look something similar to this:

"[pathtogameinstall]\Dragon Age 2\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

Step 2. begin the video game using the modified shortcut.

Step 3. allow the console in-game by pushing the tilde key ( ~ ), enter a signal from below, and hit enter to trigger the rule.

Unique notes: may very well not look at console look on-screen or perhaps able to see just what you will be typing in to the system; this is certainly typical. After entering a code and pushing the [Enter] secret, the console will shut immediately; there is no need to push the tilde key once more unless you like to include another rule. Just stick to the above instructions to activate the cheats and it'll work alright. If it seems like the video game is locked-up, then your designer console is active. {ress the tilde secret when also it should shut it, going back the overall game to an ordinary play state.

Here you will find the rules that exist.

Cheat Code Record

1 Minute Attribute Buff, in which x is attribute and y is quantity.

Cheat signal: runscript dbg_setattrib x y

Include knowledge Points to your character(s) for quicker leveling up.
Cheat signal: runscript addxp

Lets you Add Any associate to Your Party.
Cheat code: runscript zz_dae_debug

Modifications player to a Level 2 Mage.
Cheat signal: runscript chargen mage

Modifications player to a Level 2 Rogue.

Cheat rule: runscript chargen rogue

Changes player to an amount 2 Warrior.
Cheat signal: runscript chargen warrior

Creates an Invisible power Field that knocks straight back anything close to you.
Cheat signal: runscript bowlingforferelden

Offers player 1000 Man/Stamina, 1000 wellness, 50 energy and 50 Dexterity.
Cheat rule: runscript zz_supercrit player

God Mode.
Cheat signal: runscript pc_immortal

Heals Your Character(s).
Cheat rule: runscript healplayer

Kill All Opponents.
Cheat code: runscript killallhostiles

Opens a screen that'll enable you to Adjust a Companion's Friendship/Rivalry amount.
Cheat rule: runscript zz_app_debug

Opens the Enchantment Window.
Cheat signal: runscript zz_upgrade

Removes All Injuries from Party.
Cheat signal: runscript damage remparty

Add Gold, where "xx" is the amount of silver you want to increase your stock.

See also:

  • https://ask4cad.com new woodworking plans autocad woodworking software.

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