
Dragon Age the Elven ritual


The Elven Ritual

The Elven Ritual is a part quest in, encountered when you look at the elven tombs for the Brecilian Ruins in the Brecilian woodland. The ritual needs to be finished in purchase to go into the Elven Burial Chamber, as part of The Mage's Treasure hunt.


Instantly caused whenever a classic earthen tablet can be found in a sarcophagus.


Map associated with the Lower Ruins

Upon attaining the very first large room with a circular mosaic on the floor (of the Lower Ruins) where in fact the ghostly elven boy is seeking their mom and after coping with subsequent wave of skeletons, get south to a side space and access A Carved Elven Tablet (and, a Fancy Scroll) inside a sarcophagus. This quest is going to be initiated with a codex entry enhance.

Map-Lower RuinsManage eastward and turn remaining (northward) to achieve the ritual hall, in which a water feature (or share) at the center, an altar to the side, and a secured steel Door forward are observed. The burial chamber past can only just be accessed by performing an ancient elven ritual.

Note: If you find the fountain/altar but do not have the Tablet within inventory, visit your right (westward) as you leave this space then go right to the after that left (in the mosaic room). Unless you get the Tablet, you are unable to complete the quest.

Bug! There is certainly a chance the altar won't be current and you'll should weight an early on save to fix this.

Complete the ritual as explained because of the Tablet in this hallway:

  1. Fill the earthen jug with water.
  2. Leave the pool alone.
  3. Kneel before the altar and pray.
  4. Examine the earthen jug on the altar.
  5. Take one sip from the liquid into the earthen jug.
  6. Take the earthen jug.
  7. Keep the altar alone.
  8. Dump the residual liquid through the earthen jug to the water fountain.

If the Warden makes an error in series, two colors will strike the celebration. But the jug cannot break, and Warden can try once more. As soon as the ritual is completed successfully, the jug will break plus the steel Door will open up, enabling entry into the burial chamber.

Note: Attempting the ritual series correctly without acquiring the Tablet very first results in the tones spawning during the kneeling action, since you aren't actually carrying out the most suitable prayer without it.

Entry to the Elven Burial Chamber and retrieval of Juggernaut Plate Armor, as part of The Mage's Treasure.

  • If ritual is tried wrongly (without the Tablet), your quest record will likely be logged finished but 'failed', in addition to steel Door remains closed.

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