Flemeth dragon

Dragon Age Shapeshifter Guide


+2 constitution
+1 armor


Hearsay talk about barbarians that hold secrets of changing the body into the type of creatures. The Circle of Magi denies these types of hearsay, but this unusual art survives inside forgotten sides of Thedas. Mastery of their systems allows shapeshifters some defense, even yet in personal kind, making them durable opponents and staunch allies.Shapeshifter is a mage specialization in which allows people to transform themselves to the type of an animal.

Shapeshifters in Thedas

Hearsay talk about barbarians that hold secrets of transforming the human body into the type of animals, but the Circle of Magi denies such tales. While the Circle of Magi would rather so it be so, theirs isn't the only tradition of miraculous in Thedas, and this uncommon art endures inside overlooked sides of Thedas. Ahead of the Circle’s formation, miracle had been often practiced by the Magisters regarding the Tevinter Imperium or perhaps in remote areas, knowledge handed down from generation of practitioners to another. “Hedge mages, ” as Enchanters associated with the Circle reference them, or “witches” as legend would name all of them, do not constantly use forbidden magic. Frequently their talents lie into the development of charms, the usage of curses and the capability to change their kinds.


Spell grid for Shapeshifter

Here is the last skill that is incorporated back to the Circle within the centuries. It is said having already been first introduced by hedge mages that joined up with the Circle, perhaps by power. The trail of Shapeshifter is the one that crosses the boundary between mage and warrior. Some mages see it as a form of self-mastery, although some use it as an approach of success; a physical bag of tips that enable the mage to be volatile in fight.

Shapeshifters must learn one kind at the same time, the most frequent people becoming those who are located inside Fereldan wilds. The mighty bear is preferred as tend to be wildcats, spiders, as well as birds. Legend informs of mages which perfected much more fantastical and dangerous kinds. To a skilled Shapeshifter, no home is impassable, no battle is unwinnable, with no surface inhospitable providing they know a shape that can meet up with the task in front of you.

Shapeshifter spells

Range: Individual
Upkeep: 50
Exhaustion: 5percent
Cooldown: 90s
Requires: Amount 7
The shapeshifter can change into a huge spider, gaining a large bonus to nature weight plus the spider's internet and Poison Spit capabilities. The caster's spellpower determines just how effective the form is. With Master Shapeshifter, the mage becomes a corrupted spider, developing however more powerful and gaining the Overwhelm capability.
Number: Individual
Upkeep: 60
Weakness: 5%
Cooldown: 90s
Requires: Degree 8
The shapeshifter can change into a bear, getting huge incentives to nature resistance and armor as well as the bear's Slam and Rage capabilities. The caster's spellpower further improves this bear's data and abilities. With Master Shapeshifter, this kind transforms the caster into a robust bereskarn and gains the Overwhelm ability.
Number: Private
Maintenance: 30
Tiredness: 5per cent
Cooldown: 60s
Needs: Degree 10
The shapeshifter's human anatomy explodes into a swarm of stinging pests that inflict nature harm on nearby enemies, aided by the harm increasing on the basis of the caster's spellpower and distance. During this kind, the caster gains Divide the Swarm, and any harm the shapeshifter suffers is drawn from mana in place of health, although caster regenerates no mana. The swirling cloud of insects is resistant to normalcy missiles and it has an excellent potential for evading physical attacks but is excessively at risk of fire. With Master Shapeshifter, the type gains health whenever the swarm inflicts harm.
Needs: Amount 12
Mastery of this shifter's methods alters the kinds of Bear Shape and Spider Shape, enabling the caster to become a bereskarn and a corrupted spider, both significantly more effective than their particular base types. In those forms, the shapeshifter additionally gains Overwhelm. Additionally, the Flying Swarm shape drains wellness from enemies anytime the main swarm inflicts damage.


Shapeshifter in a fight

  • Morrigan will teach this specialization if the woman approval people is basic; she actually is maybe not happy to do so when this lady endorsement goes up above 25. Judging from discussion, this might be a bug because Morrigan's explanation for not training the Warden is one thing along the lines of "unsure both enough". If any such thing plus range along with other specialization purchases, the tree should just unlock when endorsement increases above 25.
  • You can buy a Shapeshifter guide from Varathorn inside Dalish Camp at Brecilian borders for around 12.
Note: The sloth demon into the Magi Origin will instruct a type of shapeshifting. This only works for the length of energy inside Fade, it does not unlock the expertise.

Shapeshifting Mechanics

Whenever caster assumes a form, the energy, Dexterity and Constitution attributes may be replaced by those for the selected kind, that are centered on Spellpower. Any characteristic which will be higher in unshifted form will remain unchanged. Bonuses distributed by equipment to virtually any stats (including Armor, Armor Penetration, Defense, and Damage) tend to be computed after changing forms.

The exclusion for offensive bonuses (most never carry over) is critical chance/damage. You may use skills like Song of Courage and equip items also to provide your shapeshifter a significant vital opportunity for Bear and Spider. Flanking attacks may also consider whether your form does a crucial.

Very briefly-the flanking formula:

May also increase chance for vital hits by 1/5th of the flanking bonus fCriticalHitModifier *= (1.0 + (fFlanking/5.0));

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