Dragon Age Origins Lower Ruins
Get a hold of a cup phylactery at the specified places
Destroy all six Corpse Walkers
The Black Vials are six small glass phylacteries that can be found around Ferelden. The area around all of them is unnaturally cold. Dark shapes swirl around a slip of report within each vial. Once the Warden takes a vial, the glass cracks and releases a hostile revenant. Upon their demise, each revenant falls a scrap of vellum that changes the Codex entry: The Black Vials.
The vials may be consumed any order.
Precise location of the third Corpse Walker: increase thumbnail to see yellowish dot marking place.

A Corpse Walker: revenant and perversion.
XP and loot fallen by revenants:
Dead Coat of ArmsTargeSilverite (Level 6)
Requires: 30 strength
Weakness: 3.13per cent
Energy modifier: 1.00
+1 constitution
+1/+2 stamina regeneration in combat
The gemstone in this ring is really ostentatiously large, it can oftimes be seen from one half a league away.