Cheat in Dragon Age Origins
Lothering pursuit unlimited repeat - no-cost exp/level up
Close to the beginning of the online game, within the town of Lothering, if you talk to Allison, you will get the quest "Traps tend to be a lady's Best Friend". You need 3 spring traps (which can be bought, looted or made) to perform the pursuit. Once you complete the quest, talk with Allison twice. The 2nd time you talk with the lady, the pursuit is refreshed and you can do it repeatedly for 100 exp everytime. As a plus, you also get 50 silvers every time you complete it. This really is a great way to get tons of money and exp at the beginning of the overall game. If you want more traps just cross the street to Dane's Refuge and buy trap triggers from Barlin for 2 silver 57 silver per stack of 99. With 1 amount of trap-making it is possible to convert the triggers to spring traps. With every stack of 99 triggers you purchase (and convert to spring traps) you are able to finish the Traps pursuit 33 times! Therefore for every financial investment of 2 gold 57 silver you make to purchase the triggers, you could make 16 gold 50 silvers by saying the quest! Exactly what a deal!