Dragon Age™ Origins

Dragon Age Origins Arcane Warrior Build


The arcane warrior is surrounded by a shimmering guard of energy that obstructs most damage and grants large bonuses to armor and all resistances. Whenever active, but the Shimmering Shield consumes mana rapidly.

Shimmering Shield is a mage spell from the Arcane Warrior expertise in .


  • Maintenance is within Mana.
  • Arcane Warrior Spellcasting: The enchantment are cast along with your weapon(s) drawn.
  • You can entirely counterbalance Shimmering Shield's -10 penalty to overcome Mana Regeneration if you select the proper gear and skills. Combine some of Wade's better Dragon Armor units (+2 regen) and Andruil's true blessing (+2 regen) with Cailan's hands (+5.75 regen) and the 2nd tier Combat Training (+0.5 regen). The aforementioned numbers are from the Computer version, on Xbox and PS3, you have even more equipment options, because the regen quantities are two times as high (except the +5 ready extra from Cailan's Arms).

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