Dragon Age: Inquisition

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“I cannot wait for tcap glorious moment! The Grey Wardens fight beside the king of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil!”


Cailan Theirin

Cailan Theirin (produced 9:05 Dragon), child of King Maric Theirin and Queen Rowan Guerrin, became the King of Ferelden following the abrupt disappearance of their parent in 9:25 Dragon. Through the opening stages of Fifth Blight in 9:30, he's got been sitting regarding the throne for 5 years, alongside their spouse Queen Anora Mac Tir, girl associated with hero Loghain Mac Tir.


Cailan was created around 9:05 Dragon. His mama showed great interest in publications, and Cailan inherited this. He enjoyed reading heroic tales as a kid, especially those describing his dad's increase to power. His mama, Rowan, died when he had been nevertheless a boy in 9:08 Dragon, and also the young prince existed a lonely childhood.

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However, at some point he became aware that Alistair had been King Maric's bastard child, and therefore his half-brother. And even though they just ever before came across once as children, Cailan stayed informed about his life and knew enough about Alistair to give Anora a sense of their character.

Cailan wasn't raised by his dad alone. Loghain assisted boost him and helped to organize their marriage to Anora, as they was raised collectively. He had been described at that time as always after the woman lead, being carefully under the woman thumb. While Anora fundamentally grew fond of Cailan's charms, he was not above committing some indiscretions along with other women throughout their marriage. Cailan never found himself greatly involved in Ferelden's politics, and seemed pleased about Anora coping with the administrative aspects of federal government, as in their head, a true king's responsibility was to unite his people against a typical adversary.

Although some men and women thought of Cailan as foolish and a young child playing at being a king, Cailan has also been regarded as an ethical and idealistic king, happy to make alliances with previous enemies for good of Ferelden. He had been in addition close to his guys, while he would sporadically loaf around and keep in touch with them. In addition, he insisted he fight alongside their forces while the gray Wardens throughout the Battle of Ostagar, despite the great risk this could put him in. Cailan is much more smart than he seems, however, and was even in talks with Empress Celene to create a permanent alliance between Fereldan and Orlais.


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Without worrying during the increasing number of darkspawn, Cailan embraced it as the opportunity to create a legend of his or her own, by battling alongside the popular Grey Wardens at Ostagar. He was so determined to emerge victorious which he welcomed Orlesian troops to Ferelden, even though the world had just been free of their rule for thirty many years. When the battle began, Cailan insisted on battling on front-lines, disregarding guidance towards the contrary. When Loghain pulled their soldiers from battlefield, Cailan and almost all associated with the gray Wardens endured overwhelmed by the darkspawn. He had been ultimately killed by an ogre, regardless of the Grey Warden Duncan's best efforts to save him.

In DLC, Cailan's human body is found in an almost crucified position with many injuries and without his armor for a passing fancy bridge your Warden and Alistair crossed to achieve the Tower of Ishal. When most of his equipment is located the Warden may come back to their human anatomy and give him an effective send off by burning up their human body on a pyre, leaving him towards the wolves, or making their human anatomy towards the darkspawn.

  • "Allow me to end up being the very first to welcome you to definitely Ostagar. The Wardens may benefit greatly to you in their ranks."
  • "Our arguments aided by the Orlesians tend to be a thing of history, and you will remember who's king!"
  • "Enough of your conspiracy ideas, Loghain! Grey Wardens fight the Blight, no matter where they're from!"

“We currently have your dog and Alistair remains the dumbest one in the celebration.” — Morrigan
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  • As soon as Alistair reveals at Redcliffe that he's Cailan's half-brother (the result of King Maric's affair using gray Warden Fiona), the real similarities among them becomes instead apparent, with Cailan bearing a tad bit more similarity with their daddy. Both have even comparable personalities, becoming considered foolish or childish by other individuals, despite their good brands. A significant distinction between both is the fact that while Alistair acknowledges to not desiring the responsibility to be master, Cailan generally seems to revel in it as well as actively seeks fame. This is apparently something which Alistair locates annoying, by the feelings he conveys about Cailan's fight plan at Ostagar.
  • Elric Maraigne, one of Cailan's Honour Guard, believes that Cailan knew the Battle of Ostagar would be lost-which straight contradicts his outwardly confident behavior. Possibly that Cailan knew showing any concern the results of the fight could negatively impact morale and further minimize their particular likelihood of victory.
  • Despite Alistair being a half-brother produced out of an affair, Cailan presented him in large respect, phoning him one of the best gray Wardens. However, Cailan had him opt for the Warden to light the fire as he might have aided the King in battle, although if the conjecture about Cailan's familiarity with the results of this fight be real, it would likely have simply already been an endeavor maintain Alistair safe.
  • David Gaider verified in a job interview that Cailan ended up being, without a doubt, about to keep Anora for Empress Celene as a result of Anora's expected sterility. The subplot, however, got taken from the script and only later referenced in Return to Ostagar because of the Secret Companion's celebration banter.

See additionally

Codex entry: King Cailan Theirin

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