DA2 Recurve Bow Longbow Act 2

Dragon Age Origins best bow

Far Song is the best bow into the online game, much better than Marjolane's Bow the bow you can aquire through Leliana's story quest. Both tend to be dragonthorn (tier 7) along with Mage's Eye but compare the stats:

Far Song
+2 Damage
+3 Ranged Vital Chance
+10 Combat
+10 Important Damage

Marjolaine's Bow
+3 Cunning
+3 Damage
Fast Aim

Mage's Eye
+3 Ranged Critical Opportunity
+4 Attack

Thanks to widget624 which replied my concern on the best way to get Far Song, you could get it around post-Lothering and head to Redcliff. Safeguard the town, vow to locate Valena (Owen's child) and head into Redcliff palace. TRY NOT TO get search for Valena (she is in a room nearby the basement entry, SW regarding chart i do believe). When you get to the point where you discuss how to proceed with Connor with Jowan, Isolde, and Teagan, you can get inform Owen you couldn't get a hold of the lady. Leave Redcliff and return to his smithy to get him changed (Owen commits committing suicide). BTW tell him you are a relative/friend of Owen therefore the brand-new smith offers you an amulet. This smith could have Far Song inside the stock.

Keep in mind that having Owen dead can certainly make you drop the chance to get one of several Diligence or Effort (can not remember which) set pieces completely.

wal2105 - 7 years back

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