Dragon Age Origins Broken Circle

Godwin is a human mage in the Ferelden Circle of Magi at Kinloch Hold just who resides into the Senior Mage Quarters of this Mage's Tower.
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for Dragon Age: Origins.
Godwin is involved in the quests Broken Circle and gold and silver coins.
Whenever combat smashed in the tower, Godwin took to hiding through the struggle in a cabinet. Later he is able to be found inside Apprentice Quarters close to the kiddies. If the Warden sided aided by the mages, he will come back to the 2nd flooring (near his original area), or perhaps imprisoned outside the tower if Warden sided using the templars.
Godwin can be element of a profitable blackmarket in lyrium, with all of the trade planning templars with become hopelessly addicted to it.
Godwin is a business associate of Rogek, in Orzammar's Dust Town, whom provides the chance to smuggle Lyrium to Godwin that is their contact in the Circle.
If after the price is satisfied the Warden chooses to share with Godwin of the issues resulting in the belated distribution, he can expose that he's offering lyrium to your hooked templars. The Warden after that gets the choice of killing him, or blackmailing him. See Gold And Silver for details.