Dragon Age Origins Riordan
Riordan is first encountered in Arl Howe's cell. Given that Warden goes into the dungeon, Riordan takes advantage of the distraction this allows to break his guard's throat through pubs of his mobile. If Alistair is within the active party, he'll recognize Riordan among the Wardens present at his Joining.
The Warden can speak shortly with Riordan, that will describe that he is a Grey Warden from Orlais whom found Ferelden to discover exactly what occurred at Ostagar. Orlais had initially delivered a large contingent of Grey Wardens and chevaliers, but were turned-back within edge of Ferelden. It had been decided that a single person will make it to the country easier than a group, and Riordan ended up being delivered due to their knowledge of Ferelden. However, he had been captured, imprisoned and tortured.
Riordan will keep, saying he'd never be useful in his current problem and it is looking for a healer. They can be located afterwards in Arl Eamon's space inside Arl of Redcliffe's home. The Warden can talk to him here concerning the Grey Wardens and Duncan. He can in addition mention the gray Warden Vault, containing quality gear alongside products, and certainly will mark it regarding Warden's chart.
If Alistair is certainly not plumped for the Landsmeet duel, Riordan can look and declare that Loghain be recruited to the gray Wardens in the place of performed. Alistair will protest this bitterly.
The night time ahead of the Battle of Denerim, Riordan explains into the Warden and either Alistair or Loghain, why the gray Wardens bear the duty of slaying the archdemon: the Archdemon's soul will search for the taint within the closest darkspawn, reshaping it in to the fearsome kind of a dragon, basically making it self immortal. But in the event that nearest tainted being currently contains a soul—such as a Grey Warden—the two souls cannot coexist in the same body, destroying one another. Being the absolute most senior Grey Warden, Riordan will try to take this burden onto himself, but alerts that it's a duty your three of these must undertake.
Throughout the Final Battle, Riordan assists the Warden in taking Denerim's gates. After clearing the gates of darkspawn, Riordan tells the Warden that they must split and discover the Archdemon, mentioning that three Wardens could be also obvious hence he'll go alone. After ward, he could be shown dispatching darkspawn before sensing the Archdemon traveling close by, chasing after it when he spots it. Riordan jumps down a tower onto its back, stabbing it many times. After some twists and turns, however, the Archdemon manages to kill Riordan by throwing him down at an excellent height, but not before Riordan features inflicted a serious injury to its wing, forcing it to land above Fort Drakon for staying Wardens in order to complete down.
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