Dragon Age Origins something Wicked
Something Wicked
While examining the Denerim Alienage, the Warden satisfies Ser Otto, a templar which fears that anything bad has brought root into the Alienage.
Ser Otto will tell the Warden which he can feel a wicked existence inside Alienage, and requires the Warden to watch out for unusual things. You will find four signs available. As you're watching orphanage there is certainly a pool of bloodstream, a dead rabid dog, a feral puppy and a deranged beggar. Connect to at least two of them and go back to Otto. He'll then come with the Warden to the old, haunted orphanage. There you will come across a few rabid Mabari and colors. After battling through them, a demon seems. As soon as defeated, Otto will initially genuinely believe that this solved the problem, yet somehow another, better demon awaits more within the building. This demon kills Otto before the Warden features an opportunity to conquer it. Aided by the effective demon sent back toward Fade, the risk is finally over.
If Ser Otto dies ahead of the last demon assaults, the quest will upgrade and suggest that you have got failed. You can easily, but endeavor further and eliminate the last demon, but with no cutscenes.
Before leaving the orphanage, register the upper body associated with the final room to get an amulet, that will be something when it comes to part pursuit reading sounds.
Ser Otto impaled