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Dragon Age Origins summoning Science

Summoning Sciences | Location: Circle Tower

This is a side quest best left for after you've completed your main tasks at the Circle Tower (Broken Circle is the primary quest we're referring to here). Upon thorough exploration of the tower while initially going through, you will no doubt find at least one note that will make this particular side quest show up in your quests menu. The entire ordeal takes place in the Apprentice Quarters' library. There, you'll no doubt notice a bunch of items that appear, at first glance, to be codex entries. But when you examine each of these items, you'll quickly realize that they are something else entirely. The idea is to use the notes you find to figure out the order in which the items are supposed to be activated. But what fun is that? We'll tell you the order in which to activate the items in all four possible cycles.

Each cycle begins by touching the Summoning Font. So, do that, and then hit the Tome of Spirit Personages and, finally, Summoning The First. By doing this, a deceased Spirit Hog will appear. You can comb his body for goods if you so desire. Then, hit the Summoning Font, and hit the items in the following sequence: Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Magus Gorvish, and finally, Summoning The Second. This will make a ghost appear, though it will shortly thereafter disappear. Nonetheless, we are on the right track!

Hit the Summoning Font to begin the third cycle. Then, hit the following six objects in the order written here, exactly: Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Magus Gorvish, and Novice Phylactery. Then, hit Summoning The Third. This will make a Fade Rifter appear, a moderately powerful beast you'll be forced into battle with. Down him and search his body for goods. Then, get ready for the final cycle. Hit the Summoning Font, and then hit the next eight items in exact sequence: Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Magus Gorvish, and Novice Phylactery. Then, head into the adjacent room and find Summoning The Fourth hiding behind the shelf on the left. This will summon forth a man named Arl Foreshadow, though he'll quickly disappear thereafter. And like that, this rather ridiculous and obscure side quest concludes!

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