Dragon Age Origins mods armor
hi. raughnut right here, to tell you that these days, I became informed that mguitar07, just who made some cool morphs impressed from the sacred ashes truck, did united states a large favor correcting the harsh texture problem and it has given united states permission to publish it with this page. thanks guy! and continue the nice work!
also, sorry for perhaps not carrying it out myself. I have been grad-school amount busy...
We have labored on some of the dilemmas we had been informed about inside remarks part
-The armor appears in bodhan's shop in place of showing up in inventory
-Improved high quality when you look at the designs. and included some details
-Improved details in Chest piece mesh. (proportions, details and such)
-Fixed some rigging problems with the top and legs
-Added support for tint maps and compatibility with Nezroy's Universal Dye Kit (many thanks :) ) (optional file)
-Some other stuff I dont remember... :p
-Add some better gloves
-Anything else listed in the problem... ehem.. feedback section ;)
No other website, appart from dragon age nexus or Bioware's social web site is allowed to upload this mod without prior consent from the authors.
This mod adds Leliana's Armor from sacred ashes truck, how we see it.
It's restricted to Leliana ;)
but Siramods made a pleasant script which eliminates the limitations and so allows every real human female to put on it. scroll down to read the instal notes and link.
Manufactured in collaboration with Aranox, who supplied the meshes and details, and me personally, just who made the textures.
We recommend DaoModmanager to install/uninstall.
install it here =
Copy "addsacredashes.ncs" file towards "\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\" folder
Establish the video game (daorigins.exe) "-enabledeveloperconsole" parameter to allow system.
In online game, mention console and kind "runscript addsacredashes" then hit enter
For detail by detail information on how to use the system, read:
Currently we recognized a few small clipping and rig dilemmas.
amount of detail files tend to be adjusted through the original light armor mesh with your designs, since we do not learn how to add all of them. its hardly obvious.
To our pals on Anima Crew Community forums for assistance and advice.
To siramods for his script to remove the restrictions, allow it to be opt for you in awakening while having a console rule.