Concept art of a Dalish Keeper

Dragon Age Awakening Battlemage


+2 secret
+0.25/0.5 combat wellness regeneration


Some mages specialize in means that allow all of them to take part in combat from afar. Battlemages, by contrast, prefer to wade in to the fray alongside their particular blade-wielding friends, close adequate to browse the worry in their opponents' eyes. Their particular spells primarily issue personal preservation as well as control of sun and rain within their immediate surroundings.

Battlemage is a mage specialization in .

Battlemage Means

Range: Personal
Maintenance: 100
Weakness: 10per cent
Cooldown: 10s
Needs: Level 20
The battlemage flourishes in the heat of fight, creating a field that empties life from nearby enemies to heal the mage so long as the enchantment is energetic. Each time an enemy is drained, the spell consumes a small amount of the battlemage's mana.
Range: Personal
Activation: 80
Cooldown: 45s
Needs: Level 22
The battlemage releases a burst of intense cold, harmful nearby opponents as well as freezing them unless they pass a physical weight check, and inflicting a penalty to movement speed otherwise.
Range: Personal
Requires: Amount 25
The battlemage features learned to use discomfort and transform it into energy, rebuilding mana anytime the mage suffers damage.
Range: Personal
Upkeep: 140
Fatigue: 10percent
Cooldown: 10s
Requires: Amount 28
The battlemage produces an area of chaotic, swirling power that continually harms nearby opponents with harm from each of the elements consequently for as long as this spell is active. The spell uses mana rapidly.


It can be unlocked by buying the handbook: Battlemage from Ambassador Cera for 11 0 0. You can find the lady within the Vigil's Keep - Throne area.

Note: If you save before purchasing only reload game while still have the expertise unlocked (because works for all specialization guides).

Battlemage works incredibly well with Arcane Warrior as a tank. Sustaining Draining Aura or Elemental Chaos offers BM/AWs sufficient area of impact harm to attract all nearby enemies, while overcome secret and Shimmering Shield allows BM/AWs to survive, along with Stoic to replenish mana drained by sustaining. You should know for the harm taken in the event that you plan on utilizing Rock Armor and Arcane Shield (and Miasma). Mana attained because of the Stoic skill is equal to 50percent of one's damage taken. Thus if you're becoming struck for only handful of harm you'll come to an end of mana rather quickly, helping to make Death Syphon an exceptionally good option to replenish it.

Another technique that actually works is always to combine Battlemage aided by the Keeper expertise. Using skills like One With Nature aside from the battlemage abilities like Hand of Winter or Draining Aura, you'll deal huge AoE damage close by, as you hide back and cast AoE skills such as Inferno fired to-break both ranged and melee opponents.

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