Dragon Age Awakening import
Finding Nathaniel
Finding Nathaniel is an Act 3 secondary pursuit in . Hawke goes to the Deep Roads looking for Nathaniel Howe during the demand of their sibling, just who fears for his life.
This quest can be obtained if pre-built "The Martyr" or "No Compromise" history was opted for, or if a import is used where Nathaniel has accompanied the gray Wardens along with his Awakening codex entry will not say he died.
Delilah Howe in Hightown
In Act 3 you discover Delilah Howe nearby the Chanter's Board while watching Chantry in Hightown. She'll plead with Hawke locate the woman bro Nathaniel Howe, who has been retracing the actions of Bartrand's expedition in to the Deep roadways with his other gray Wardens. Nathaniel did not tell the lady why the Wardens had been retracing the route in which he happens to be gone a long time. She'd have contacted Vigil's maintain for aid but dreaded Nathaniel is dead once she reached Amaranthine.
If Anders is in the celebration he can remember Nathaniel and jokingly state "I question if Nathaniel ever before discovered a sense of humor." Anders will discuss some of his record with Nathaniel if Hawke inquires. Agreeing to simply help Delilah leads to Anders: friendship (+5); refusing gets Anders: rivalry (+5) nevertheless the pursuit is accepted anyhow.