Dragon Age Origins Awakening

Dragon Age Awakening characters

Class: Warrior

Oghren calls for no real work to get. Once you create your preliminary attack from the black Spawn inhabited keep, Oghren will welcome you about halfway through and provide to join your celebration. He comes well-equipped and can provide some essential muscle tissue to barrel through this early portion of the game.

a mostly pleasant personality, it will likely be hard to disturb Oghren also poorly. He has got an affinity for wine and spirits.

Oghren could be the just character from initial Dragon Age to look as a celebration user in Dragon Age: Awakening. Although other people will make cameos depending on your activities, not one will join you.


Course: Mage

Another quickly gathered party user, the mage Anders will join your party whenever you run into him being menaced by Dark Spawn during the opening sequence. A sought after apostate, he escapes The Circle by joining the Grey Wardens.

He consists of effective attack magic as well as some necessary healing means. Probably one of the most flexible very early characters, it is in addition crucial to take advantage of him as you start off in your quest.

Nathaniel Howe

Class: Rogue

This cantankerous man noble are present locked-up in the dungeons of Vigil Keep. As it happens he holds a grudge against your self while the gray Wardens business once you took aside their dad making a property in the household property.

You'll choose to either kill him or recruit him. Obviously, killing him will make sure that he never ever joins the party, but it may be gratifying. Make an effort to show him the error of their dads means in which he will likely to be an even more receptive celebration member. He is well worth keeping around while he provides excellent ranged cover.


Speccted for front range combat, Sigrun are available in the caverns of Kal'Hirol. The entrance to the area is certainly not instantly obvious, but could be accessed via a huge crevice that opens up up when you look at the surface as a result of Dark Spawn task.

If you offer to greatly help the lady defeat the Dark Spawn which have killed her comrades, she will join you as a permanent user. an amazingly chipper and well adjusted member of the The Legion associated with the Dead, if you stay moral and positive you'll not have much difficulty keeping the woman delighted.


Discover this unique Dragon Age: Awakening character, you must complete a lengthy pursuit in Fade. Once you have finished the quest and defeated the dragon, there are him into the Blackmarsh. Accept take on the future employer (the Baroness) in which he will join your celebration.

Justice, as their title suggests, is a really moral character and gets along best with virtuous celebration users. He is initial and only celebration user using spirit warrior set of skills, making him a valuable and unique addition to virtually any party.


You will discover Velanna after being asked to explore the Wending Woods. Caravans are now being attacked in your community along with your quest is to look for down who is in it. It turns out it is actually Velanna! This woman is violent and mistrustful of people, however, if you can convince her that you are after the Dark Spawn, she'll join your celebration.

Much like Morrigan, Velanna is difficult to please. Short-tempered and often immoral, if she disapproves of an action, it probably indicates you did just the right thing.

But Where Could Be The Dog In Dragon Age Awakening?

Seriously, where's my puppy? I favor my dog. I'd never ever go adventuring without him. I definitely won't abandon him! And if he had been to die, well, I don't believe my Grey Warden could continue.

Missing: One Huge Mabari War Hound

For all those wondering which major characters makes a cameo in Dragon Age: Awakening, right here you choose to go:

Alistair: in the event that you installed him as master, he will drive down and address both you and the gray Wardens

Wynne: The chantry in Amaranthine

Loghain: he'll just take Alistair's destination depending on just what path you took during original game.

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