Dragon Age armor mods
- Changed to two different methods of obtaining the things (see use area below).
- Included Lich King armor (person male), Lich Knight armor (peoples male), and Dread Knight armor (real human male/female).
- Added a duplicate pair of greatswords that do not have a scabbard (2 given twin wield and faster swing mods suitable).
- Fixed some errors using the off-hand warglaives.
- Decreased the size of each dazip by setting MMH files to generally share MSH files.
- Raised the variation ID matters to reduce conficts along with other mods.
- Set the off hand warglaives to provide just into the off hand slot.
- Colorized the weapontrail results to complement the element.
- Simplified consumption by the addition of all tools only from the inital save load.
This adjustment addin is a compilation of the numerous weapons produced by the dazzling author Jojjo. They are all sales from Oblivion to Dragon Age therefore the originals can be situated right here:
You can find 12 different types of weapons with each having a version of the 5 elements ice, fire, lightning, nature, and nature.
There's two sets of greatswords, one which equips a scabbard plus one that doesn't.
Each one of the tools have working colorized weapontrails and customized vfx.
Included is Lich King armor (real human male), Lich Knight armor (person male), and Dread Knight armor (Human male/female).
Over a lot of consideration and feedback I made a decision to deliver two different ways available.
Process 1: hard area added to the world map leading for you to get those items.
Process 2: Console script "runscript jjw_giveall" that may add certainly one of every product to your stock.
Because of the restrictions of modifying the Awakenings development, you will have to use the console script for this.
In the event that you currently are employing a previous version after that please uninstall and install the lastest build.
Install dazip with DAupdater, DAO-Modmanager, or DAModder. If you'd like this new VFX then put the folder "jojjo_weapons" in drectory: My Documents\Bioware\DragonAge\packages\core\override
Uninstall the dazip with DAupdater, DAO Modmanager, or DAModder. Erase the folder "jojjo_weapons" into the drectory: My Documents\Bioware\DragonAge\packages\core\override